Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mount Carmel College Seal

The Latin phrase in a sash encircling the shield “Zelo Zelatus Sum Pro Domino Deo Exercituum” (I am zealous for the Lord, the God of the multitudes) is the motto of Mount Carmel College. It is the very word of the Prophet Elijah which can be found in the First Book of Kings 19:14.

The brown mountain in the center represents Mount Carmel, a mountain range located in Palestine, the place of origin of the first hermits who settled in Mount Carmel, in the late 12th century and became the mendicant Carmelites in Europe.

The white Star of David in the center of Mount Carmel represents the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Lady of Sister of the Carmelites. The two brown Stars of David represent the greatest prophet of the Old Testament, Elijah, and his successor Elisha; two important figures in the religious Carmelite Order, who owns and administers the school.

The seal represents the Marian and Elijahn traditions of Mount Carmel College, a Catholic mission- school of higher learning.

Carmel Brown symbolizes humility in the service of the “minores” in Negros Island. The yellow color stands for purity, justice and joy.

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