Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mount Carmel College Vision-Mission-Goal


Compelled by the Gospel, the Carmelite Schools in the Philippines commit to the evangelizing mission of the Church and Carmel’s gift of Contemplation through a quality and relevant Catholic Education.

Inspired by the Spirit, Mount Carmel College is tasked to build the Reign of God here and now in allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Zealous by our Elijahn and Marian vocations and traditions, it is committed to the people’s struggles and hopes for justice, peace, integrity of creation and love.


  1. Strengthening the Christian Family and Community thru Christian Formation programs and inter-disciplinary approaches to learning towards holistic education and formation;
  2. Work for quality education that is Christian, pro- people and transformational;
  3. Competency- building and commitment deepening of all school personnel for efficient and effective service;
  4. Participation in building the Church of the Poor;
  5. Support for the Filipino people’s struggle for total human development and social transformation.
  6. Participation in the care for the integrity of creation.

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